Ship's log 2007

(the) Past matters....


After 14 years the Hercules is back to the location where she can be admired by all steamtug lovers: the Voorhaven in Schiedam.

The whole fleet of the foundation has been assembled there and found a good neighbour with the “Bertha”: skipper Lucas did have a good foresail (5-7 m2) that can come in handy on a steamtug during navigation on roaring waters.


The maintenance jobs are in full progress. A lot has to be done to get the Hercules ready for navigation in June.

A start is made to replace the entrance to the crew’s quarter aft and the preparations for the boiler survey do require a lot of attention: the fire barrier in the boiler, where all the heat is passing, has to be replaced every two years.


The boiler, 92 years already, did pass its official bi-annual boiler survey successfully again! The dismantled Hercules, because of the survey more than usual, looks vulnerable. Work is done from fore to aft and in the engine room it smells like ... lemon fresh!

And: we have water pressure on the Heibok4! On the principle that ‘if it’s possible it should be done’ the compressor on the Heibok4 was made re-operational: once it operated a water lance which was used to remove ‘unwilling’ dolphins. No need to use buckets anymore for scrubbing the decks now!


Work, work, work...


After months of tough chipping, painting and carpentry the boiler is carefully steam pressurized again. The Hercules is shining! The steam whistle and siren are yet to be polished for the first event this year: the loggerfestival in Vlaardingen!


The Hercules is a prominent presence again at the harbour festivities in Vlaardingen. Captain Kees, who celebrated his 50th birthday during this event, gave the start signal for all festivities for the on port side floating ‘tugspotters’ with the steam whistle and a deafening siren. After all festivities the jobs on board continue of course. The new entrance of the aft crew’s quarter has been installed after the necessary sandpapering and planing. The new ledges on top of the deckhouse were installed as well.


In the engine room the pipelines are painted and a scupper pipe from starboard side deck has been renewed. The difference is there! The new entrance door to the crew’s quarter aft has been completed with a stripe pattern which is nicely accentuating its saddle shape. The finishing touch is added to the two small doors to the same entrance.

Under the threat of quite heavy weather coal is bunkered and after testing the boiler’s safety valves the next event is there: the Maasboulevard-feest in Schiedam.


An eventful month with lots of activities on the water: the “van Loon hardzeil dag” in Veere, “vestingdagen in Hellevoetsluis” and the traditional start and finish-whistle during Jay Sail at Tiengemeten. Underway to Veere the Hercules assisted a group of sea-scouts at the Zandkreek locks. Their motorvlet had to tow a number of small boats to their homeport, but the motorboat did not have sufficient capacity. A piece of cake for the Hercules, although the speed had to be reduced considerably to reduce her bow waves.

A special event took place in Hellevoetsluis on August 25th: Johan Aartsen from Ugchelen proposed to Ciska Bakker! Flowers and Champagne were there and the whistle was blown when the answer of Ciska was ‘yes’…


The Hercules drew a great deal of attention again during the ‘Wereldhavendagen’ in Rotterdam. The accompanying photo (submitted by M. Laarman) is showing a tough lady steaming strong.

An impression of the event, from morning till evening filled with water related subjects can be seen in our photo-album.


After the Furieade in Maassluis a lot of flange jobs were done on board of the Heibok 4. The fact is that an additional steam pipe has been fitted for a big steam whistle. The Hercules is already equipped with a small steam whistle, for which you have to plug your ears as well when you are standing too close to it! And with the steam siren objects in the mist can be located. As a matter of fact this siren is functioning as an early radar. Many steam ships were not only equipped with a small steam whistle, but with a big one as well. So this whistle was on the “nice to have list” for a long time already.

Talking about “nice to have lists”: Soon the Hercules will proceed to fetch Saint Nicholas…


Saint Nicholas arrived safe and sound in the border cities alongside the river “Maas” for supplying all children with sweets and marzipan. Soon he will depart again, after wich the boiler is drained for cleaning.

Like there is not plenty to do on board, the stair to the crew’s quarter aft is renewed and a new carpet is put on the floor there too. It will be a nice stay during far away voyages!


Of course the winter is not affecting a coal fired foundation! At the warm stove on board of the Heibok 4 stories from old winter times are recalled. The Hercules operated as an ice breaker in her Danish period: with the bow she proceeded on the ice after which it was broken due to her many tons. The broken pieces of ice ended under the hull where they were crushed by the propellor. Not really the best treatment for such a propellor, but in the end it was nicely polished!

Here ends the logbook of 2007. The “Stichting Calorische Werktuigen” wishes all steamfriends:

Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2008!